Friday, September 26, 2008

Block 3 Homework

Please do the following:

1. Comment on your fellow classmates blog. Use the links found below the HLC Logo.

2. Put 10 links on your project blog with at least 3 links to the HLC Home Page,, and Also, all other links must be related to the subject content or link to a HLC affiliate.

3. Please also check your email between to receive further project blog information.

4. Please put the HLC logo on your blog.

5. And finally, remember we are first creating PROJECT BLOGS, then we can do PERSONAL BLOGS.

Kumu Feki

1 comment:

R. said...

uncle feki i don't understand question 2??

A Blog? Blogging??? What is that?

A Blog? Blogging??? What is that?
A must-read to learn how to blog! (click icon)